American Cocker Spaniel : DOGS: Retrievers View: 2205x |
Dobermann, Doberman : DOGS: Pinscher and schanuzer View: 804x |
Dobermann, Doberman : DOGS: Pinscher and schanuzer View: 1067x |
Stráž domu : DOGS: Pinscher and schanuzer View: 955x |
Karjalankarhukoira : DOGS: Spitz and primitive types View: 1890x |
Phalen : DOGS: Companion and toy dogs View: 1542x |
Phalen : DOGS: Companion and toy dogs View: 1613x |
Berner Sennenhund : DOGS: Pinscher and schanuzer View: 917x |
Berner Sennenhund : DOGS: Pinscher and schanuzer View: 994x |
Staffordshire Bullterrier : DOGS: Terriers View: 2145x |
Paphiopedilum : PLANTS: Orchid View: 1476x |
Rövidszörü Magyar Vizsla, Hungarian Short-haired Pointing Dog : DOGS: Pointing dogs View: 1472x |
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